Branded Showrooms in Klaipėda
Branded showroom in Klaipėda
The salon is located in a strategically convenient place - near the main streets of the city and centers of construction and finishing goods. Convenient access and parking, a large space will allow you to calmly and unhurriedly view the assortment offered in our showroom, get interior ideas or just spend time in your mind creating the interior vision of your dreams.
In our showroom, you will find practically all soft and cased furniture manufactured by MAGRĖS BALDAI. A lot of attention and space is also devoted to the most popular Italian cabinet furniture and interior accessories.
We know how important your time is, so for the convenience of customers, the central Klaipėda warehouse has also been located here, so you can pick up the most popular furniture on the spot, during one visit.
Mainų str. 31, Klaipėda
I-V 10:00 – 19:00 VI 10:00 – 16:00 03.10 10:00 - 18:00 03.11 CLOSED |

GET IN TOUCH +370 634 85000