The WHITE table will give you the largest possible work surface and a lot of space for storing the necessary items, books, notes, stationery. And if all your belongings still don't fit in the desk drawers - the manufacturer offers an additional shelf for WHITE desks.
The distinguishing feature of the collection is the possibility to complete the furniture according to your needs and possibilities. You can fit a shelf to add extra items to your desks.
The wiring openings in the furniture will allow you to conveniently connect lighting, a computer or other mobile devices.
Modern and timeless classics - this is white color, classic forms, gray handles and decorative edge, a large number of functional solutions. All this will give you a sense of freedom, a lot of space for creativity, for choosing accessories.
The top drawer is divided into small compartments so that you can neatly arrange school supplies.
The table is designed to meet the needs of the young person to the maximum. Here you will also find few drawers for small items, a niche for books or notes, hooks for a backpack or headphones, closed and open cases for small things.
The furniture is designed and manufactured in accordance with advanced safety standards, from certified and high-quality, materials without carcinogenic.
In order to maintain a unified style of the room or rooms – you can choose different models of furniture from one collection. The collection consists of several different sizes of chests of drawers, beds, bedside tables, tables. The accessories and interior details will give integrity to the style.


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